Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Made with love......

I got word that my grand-daughter need some new PJ's
Well that's all it took.
I looked through the box of material that every woman has.
You know the one that is tucked away at the bottom of the storage unit.
The "Someday Project" box.
I found several pieces of flannel material.
So off I went looking for pattern that would suit her.

 All the parts are there and I started my project.
 I have sewn for years. Mom tough 
She even  made my father and brothers shirts. (Because they really didn't make my daddy size store bought)
She taught my sister and I how to sew. We made all of your prom dresses and school cloth..(My sister makes turn of the century costumes for her and her hubby's  performance and volunteering at  Champouge State Park)
The first dress I had that was store bought was in High School.
Here is the finished product.So its off to my grand-daughter to see if it fits.

Hope that you enjoy was made with love....for YOU.

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