Sunday, October 18, 2009


Got up yesterday and thought that it would be a good idea to sent the kids(my daughter and her hubby) off for a day of enjoyment and fun. I volunteered to watch the kids for the day.
I only had to say it once before they were out the door and on there way.
Bug had a day of playing with friends planned.
Sunshine was happy to sit in front of the TV playing countless hours of of a video game. And as much as tried to explain it to me....I dont get it!!!
So that left me with Peanut.....At the age of 3 talking is a full time job. It never end...."thats this...thats that"
He got into the Tupperware drawer and pulled out the biggest bowl and played with it. I stopped to see what was going on and why it was quite........And there he was sitting in the bowl.......happy as can be....
Thank you Tupperware!!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting your wings

I am set to go meet up with my traveling partner Nov 2. But for the time being I am staying at my daughters house.

I have three grandkids
Bug age 8 and in the third grade(center back)
Peanut on( Toots my daughters lap)hes 3
Sunshine(Center) age 5 and in kindergarten
And Rock Star ( the kids dad and my son-in-law)

So today Sunshine and Rock Star were out side and
it was time to take the training wheels off the bike.
Sunshine did great!!! Only one fall and no tears....
It was a big day!!
So lucky that I was here to be a part of it.....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What started the whole journey

Ashland,Oregon . This is what we traveled in with Harley in tow.

Mt.Shasta, Ca

Ferndale, Ca.

The Redwoods, Ca.

In the weeks and months to come I will be writing about the new journey that I am going to start.
There comes a time in your life when its just simply time to travel. I will be joining up with a
friend of mine that is a campground host. Together we are going to spending time on the
Southern Oregon coast hosting for camp ground.....Now I know that you are saying to yourself "That sounds like some fun." Well!!! I will be taking you on this journey with me. I will be taking pictures and telling stories about the places we are staying.
We have traveled before. Two years ago we went to the Redwoods together. And this last year we took a month and logged over a thousand miles starting in Salem and headed to Mt Shasta.
After two day we moved on the Clear Lake in Northern Ca. The weather kept getting hotter as
we headed to Napa Valley. It was short lived and we moved North to the Redwoods and the itch to get back home to Oregon. We played for a week up 101 of Oregon.
So after all of this we thought that were can try it for an extended time...What the heck!!!
So you get to fallow along.........Enjoy....and comment.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

my first day

It is time that I get with the program and have my own blog. I have been reading so many of your blogs and enjoying them. So with my daughters help I will now have one of my own. Hope that you will enjoy my journey and trips that I will share, as well as the insightful ramblings that will be forth coming.....Hang on because you never know what I might say.......