Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Painted Hills

Took a great day trip from Prineville.  Headed North to John Day, Mitchell and Prairie City.
On the way back found a sign for the Painted Hills. I had heard of them all my life but have never been there.
Knowing how much I love getting off the main road, I headed up the road.
Painted Hills in Oregon
It was beautiful!! Pictures dont really show the colors.
When I got home and told my sister of the trip that I took she filled in the rest of the story for me.
Come to find out my great grandfather owned the land next to the Painted Hills. He ran sheep on the land. On the way up I was amazed at the land and green fields and creek that ran beside the Hills. I now know that my great grandfather walked and worked that very land. I wonder what his thoughts were about the hills. Were they more beautiful at sunrise and sunset? Did he wake up to see them ever morning? Did they hold special powers with there beauty? How did he feel when he sold that land that he had worked? And why did he sell it?
So many questions!! Will my great grand kids have questions about my life?
                 I guess that is a question that is as old as the hills........

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mitchell Oregon

Downtown Mitchell Oregon.....I have live in Oregon all my life. The last time I was in this area I was still in tippers.I wanted to travel back there before I was in them again. So took two days and made the trek.

It was a step back in time. I spent the better part of a day just looking around and talking to the nice people there. My fathers family was from this area. And I spent time in the cemetery putting flowers on the graves.

There was even a street named for my family

Then off to John Day....However got a little side tracked...
Saw signs to Thomas Condon Paleontology Visitor Center. Wooooo! What a great place.There were fossils that were 55 million years old. (I cant even get my head around that)
 And just across the street is the James Cant Ranch Historic Home.
It was getting late and I need to get headed to John Day. So down the road I went. But more surprises awaited me around the corned.......More tomorrow